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Uebert Angel Fan Blog

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Uebert Angel is an international businessman and philanthropist. Angel owns long running cable  television channels in Africa. He is a philanthropist through his "Free Earth" charitable movement, created to provide basic living needs to underprivileged people on the continent of Africa, and to lobby for policy change, and creation that would lead to the provision of basic needs to every person.

Also with Angel's desire to give back to the people, he created, "The Millionaire Academy", which was founded in order to teach members how to get into big business, and run successful businesses of their own. Using his vast experience and acute business acumen Angel's target was, and is, to break people our of poverty and into a higher realm of wealth.

He is educated in Great Britain with two degrees in Finance from Salford University. He then became a lecturer in finance in Britain. He has successfully been in business for over 15 years. He is happily married to Beverly "Bebe" Angel, who is also a business person in her own right, public figure and motivational speaker. Together they have four children, all boys.

As a UN Peace Ambassador Angel has always had an interest in helping people and positively influencing the global community. As a public figure, he has close and positive relations to many heads of state and other world leaders.

He is currently planning the construction of major landmark buildings in the UK and across the globe, as well as raising up new entrepreneurs, and helping those in need.

For more information about Uebert Angel visit his website. You can also follow Uebert Angel on Twitter for his latest news and updates.

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  1. Uebert Angel! Such an inspiration to this Generation & the Generations to come.
    Nicholas - Uganda
