Uebert Angel Speaking Engagements


Spreading the Good News

Uebert Angel has visited Shepherd’s Bush early this month to give a sermon to his followers in London. His visit was very popular with his followers in London and has been well received. He holds his event every Sunday at the Good News church in London at 10.30am. Bebe Angel will also give a sermon. He is next scheduled to appear in Botswana on the 10th of December with his wife Bebe Angel on behalf of the Spirit Embassy. The venue is Ditshupo Hall, Fairground Park, Gaborone, Botswana.

Uebert Angel and his wife are well known for giving sermons around the world. If you want to be inspired or learn more about their work then make sure you come down to the next even near you. The events are part of Good News TV, the channel Uebert Angel founded. Watch him deliver his sermons, give prophecies to audience members and pray with them. Uebert Angel is also known for healing sick people on stage.

The events are no to be missed and come highly recommended so find out more about Uebert Angels speaking engagements and upcoming events on the Uebert Angel website. Click here to see his up and coming speaking engagements.

Angel and his wife have been working for years to spread the Good News. The amazing sermons are events in their own right and much acclaimed. The church is the cause which is the most important to him. Watch these videos about Uebert Angel to learn more about his work, and follow Uebert Angel on Twitter here. Find out more about Uebert Angel on the Good News TV website. Visit the Uebert Angel periscope page and learn more about him on the UebertAngel Osbourn Institute page.  

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