The Uebert Angel Foundation


The Uebert Angel Foundation News

The Uebert Angel Foundation also focuses on empowering the youth by providing scholarships, and tuition fees for education. It has a spectrum of recipients that range from primary education all the way through to University. There are currently some students who are beneficiaries of the Uebert Angel foundation scholarships at medical school reading medicine.

The multi-millionaire and philanthropist, is said to be very concerned about the plight of the disadvantaged and poverty stricken, such that he has directed the focus of his charity the Uebert Angel foundation, to increase its giving worldwide and run more feeding programs in the poverty stricken areas in India and Africa.

Millions of families in the greater part of Africa are malnourished and at risk of starvation. Harsh climate and poor crops are adding to the food shortage, making it even more difficult for families to feed their children.

However, the leader of The Good News Church has stepped in to alleviate the plight of thousands of families who are faced with starvation through his charity UAF. Excitement gripped the people of Ndola kangonga area in Zambia, when British based prophet Uebert Angel’s charity arm Uebert Angel Foundation brought truckloads of maize-meal (mealie-meal) a staple food in the region to distribute to the needy.

Find out more about Uebert Angel on his website, and follow Uebert Angel on Twitter for his latest updates and news.

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